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continental bulldog – Dion's kennel bulldogs
Since 2001

continental bulldog

Change language: Estonian

Standard No…………../15.01.2011/E – Translation of the German Version as approved by the Central Committee of the Swiss Kennel Club


Short historical summary

The European Convention for breeding and keeping domestic animals as well as the new Swiss laws for animal protection (Art. 10.) were the decisive factors to start a new breeding program. Goal of these experiments was to create a medium sized bulldog which meets all the requirements established by the animal protection laws for a healthy dog which however maintains the valued temperament of the English Bulldog that is so well liked. The cross-breeds with English Bulldogs and Old English Bulldogs – with the permission of and under the leadership of the Swiss Kennel Club – however, showed very soon that the program eventually led to the creation of a new breed, a breed that comes fairly close to the original Bulldog type. In order to clearly distinguish the new breed from the English Bulldog, the name “Continental Bulldog” was chosen. The decisions and measures in connection with the creation of the new breed were made in accordance with FCI (representatives of the Standard and Scientific Commissions) The fact that so far no middle-sized, resilient family dog of the molosser type exists but is very much in demand, is confirmed by the many testimonials from enthusiastic owners of the young breed. The Continental Bulldog is ready to fulfil this gap.


Switzerland USE: Companion, Family dog CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 2 pinschers and schnauzers molossers – Swiss alpine dogs and other breeds Section 2 molossers, None-working dogs


A smooth coated, almost square, medium-sized bulldog-type dog of athletic build. Despite his compact body, the Continental Bulldog is mobile and of staying power; his respiration even at full speed is noiseless. His weight, depending on his height, is between 20 and 30 kg. Dogs and bitches shall possess distinctive characteristics of their sex.


Height at shoulder : Depth of chest 2:1 Height at shoulder : Length of body 1:1,2 Height at shoulder : Length from height at shoulder up to base of tail 1:1 These measurements and proportions are understood as guidelines, decisive factor is always the general impression of the dog, the bulldog-type must be preserved.


Attentive, self-confident, friendly, neither aggressive nor timid.


The circumference measured in front of the ears shall not surpass the height at shoulder by more than 10%. Viewed from front the head appears to be almost square with the zygomatic arch slightly bulging.


The forehead is flat to slightly domed, wrinkles existing but not too distinct. From the stop a furrow appears broad but rather flat extending to the middle of the skull. Stop: Distinctive but without deep indentation.


Nose: Tip of nose broad. Nostrils big and wide open. Nose always completely black. Muzzle: Broad, viewed from front almost square. Ridge of nose is straight, neither turned upwards nor downwards. In relation to the overall length of the head it is 1:3 (tolerance 1:4) Skin folds on both sides of the ridge of nose not too thick. Lower jaw including chin is broad and angular. Neither tongue nor teeth may be visible when muzzle is closed. Distinctive chin, in front not covered by the upper flews. Flews: Shall be thick, pigmentation at the edge well closed and as complete as possible. Flews of the upper jaw shall be hanging completely over lower jaw at the sides. Flews of the lower jaw as tightly fitting as possible. Jaws/Teeth: Lower jaw projection 1-5 mm, tolerance up to 10 mm, upper and lower teeth must be in straight line and parallel. Strong teeth. 6 regular and well developed incisors placed between the widely set apart canines. The absence the PM1 is permissible, M3 are disregarded. A complete set of teeth is to be strived for. Cheeks: Tight and well rounded, slightly domed. Eyes: Round, quite in front of the head and wide apart, neither sunken nor bulging. The eyelids shall be tightly fitting and as fully pigmented as possible. No white (sclera) may be visible when the dog looks straight ahead. The iris is dark brown. Ears: Set high, small and thin; the front inner edge of each ear forms a straight line with the top line of the skull. Either rose- or folding ear is allowed. Rose ear means folded inwards at the back side and laid back; the front part of the edge of ear falls out- and back-wards, the inside of the outer ear is partly visible. Folding ear means the ear is tilting forward when the dog is attentive so that the tip of the ear is more or less in line with the outer corner of the eyes. When resting, the ear is placed closely at the sides of the head. All other ear forms are to be regarded as fault.


Short and strong but not as short as to give the impression that the head sits directly on the shoulders. Well arched neck line. Slight skin folds in the area of the throat are permissible.


The height at shoulder is slightly higher than the loins. The ratio of the total body length to the height at shoulder is 1,2:1 Top Line: Back short and strong, as straight as possible. Length of back measured from the neck base to the tail root corresponds to the height at shoulder. Loins: Viewed from above they are only slightly narrower than the chest. Croup slightly dropping. Chest: Depth of chest reaches down to the elbows and corresponds ideally at a ratio of ½ to the height at shoulder. Ribs arched and thorax spacious and slightly rising at the back. Under Line: Belly moderately tucked up.


Set as deep as possible, strong; thick at the root and tapering off continuously, thickly coated but devoid of fringe. Ideally it should extend down to the hocks and be either straight or slightly curved. When resting it falls down, during movement raised but never carried in a roll above the back.


Legs also if viewed from front straight, very stout and strong. Shoulders; Broad, slanting and well muscled. The shoulder blade shall be closely fitting to the thorax. Upper arm: Closely fitting to the body and well angulated towards the shoulder blade. Elbow: Firmly fitting to the body. Middle Foot: Short and strong, viewed from the side only slightly slanting. Paws: arched and compact, neither turning inwards nor outwards.


Hindlegs with strong bones and well muscled. Knee: Well angulated, not turned outwards; parallel if viewed from back. Hocks: Well angulated, neither turning inwards, nor outwards. Paws: Strong, well arched and straight


Short and desirably dark GAIT Regular and fluid movement, good advancement of the forelegs, spacious thrust of the hind legs.


Elastic without wrinkles on body or legs.


Hair Structure: the top hair short, close, flat, glossy, not wiry. The underneath hair short, close and of fine texture. The absence of underneath hair is permissible. Colour of Hair: All colours which are accompanied by a dark nose are allowed. Self coloured, brindled or in combination with white, with or without black mask. A distinctive pattern of patches is not sought after. The colour blue is not desired.


Height at shoulder: Dogs 42-46 cm Bitches 40-44 cm Tolerance with both sexes higher and lower is plus/minus 2 cm.


Each deviation from the aforementioned points has to be regarded as a fault, the valuation of which has to be in the ratio of the degree of the deviation. Slight faults Too low to ground Circumference of head surpasses the height at shoulder by 10 to 20% Not well developed teeth Projection of under jaw 10 to 25 mm Uneven carriage of ears Short and/or slightly deformed tail Not enough closed hair structure Shorter or taller in height of an otherwise correct dog Ambling or shuffling Grave faults Respiratory noise when resting Blue or birch eye Circumference of head surpasses the height at shoulder by more than 20% Entropium/Ektropium Skin folds overlapping line of layback Nose roll too big Visible incisors or canines or tongue when muzzle is closed Prick-ear Disqualifying faults Aggressiveness Timidity Wry jaw (not parallel) No tail Dogs showing distinctive physical abnormities or behavioural disturbances must be disqualified.

N.B. Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.